Important News regarding Play-Cricket

Published by: North Essex Cricket League
Published on 9 March 2017
Last Updated: 15 September 2022

With just one calendar month to go the start of the 2017 season, this message is for anyone involved in entering results on to the online system – last year this we used CricHq, but for 2017 like the Two Counties League and the North Essex Junior League, the North Essex Cricket League is moving across to Play-Cricket.

As preparation for the move across I will need you to ascertain who is responsible for your club’s Play-Cricket website – each ECB affiliated club will have a  Play-Cricket website, and as far as I can see the only club’s that have not claimed their websites are Ardleigh and Great Braxted & Tiptree (there are instructions in the attached Play-Cricket Signup word document (pages 8-11) for those clubs).

7 Para RHA as a new club have not got a Play-Cricket website yet, but this will be created ahead of the season. I will be in touch directly with representatives of 7 Para once their site is in place.

I have also attached a spreadsheet of people who I have identified as Website Administrators for your club’s Play-Cricket websites – whoever enters results for 2017, will have to have a conversation with the Website Administrator to give them the role of ‘Fixture Administrator’ and ‘Results Administrator’. This will enable them to enter results onto Play-Cricket when the season starts.

All the fixtures for 2017 are now loaded onto the system in readiness for the season, and complete scorecards from 2016 and 2015 can also be found.

Access to the NECL Play Cricket website will be via the link on the website (under the Play-Cricket logo on the Results page) or via

I have attached a number of documents to help you with getting set up:

Play-Cricket Signup – shows you how to gain a Play-Cricket login, and become a member of a club, as well as Claiming your Club’s website.

Assigning Administrators – explains how to assign club member to different roles within the Play-Cricket website.

Play-Cricket Results User Guide – explains how to enter Results

Merging Player Records – I have noticed there are a number of duplicate historical players records on Play-Cricket. This document shows the process of merging into one record – so for example if there are records for myself as Hewes, ? Hewes, K Hewes and Kevin Hewes – we would want to merge them into the full name record.

As I have been entering scorecards I have created a number of new players for each club, so the majority of players should be in place.

For the NECL competition teams will be listed with the following Suffixes:




Please do not change to any other Suffix — i.e Sunday NECL 1st XI

Any problems or questions please feel free to contact me at or

Could please also confirm that you are set up and ready for the season by the beginning of April. An up to date list of people responsible for entering results would be useful from clubs.


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