North Essex Cricket League Rules
Last updated: 28 November 2022
(1) The League shall be called the North Essex Cricket League. The Management Committee may determine that the name of any sponsor of the League shall be incorporated in the name of the League.
(1A) The League, and membership of all member clubs, shall be open to all, irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, creed, colour, social status or sexual orientation.
(2) All member clubs shall be affiliated to their county Cricket Board.
(3) The Management Committee shall determine the annual subscription to be paid by each member club, subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
(4) The conduct of all matches will be governed by the official Laws of Cricket except where otherwise specified in these rules.
(5) All participating clubs shall comply with all directives, regulations and guidelines issued by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB).
(5A) The League and all participating clubs shall adopt and comply with the ECB Child Welfare Policies, “Safe Hands”, which will be deemed to be incorporated in these rules, and any subsequent amendments or additions to these policies.
(5B) Every member club shall have a fully qualified club welfare officer, whose name and contact details must be notified to the League Secretary and League Welfare Officer. Any club that does not have a fully qualified club welfare officer at the start of each season will be fined £100 and, in addition, will suffer a 20 points deduction for each team entered in a League competition. Clubs must notify the League Secretary and League Welfare Officer of any change in the identity of their club welfare officer. [Dave Brooker, our league welfare officer, will be in contact with clubs to check that their CWOs are up-to-date with their training.]
(6) All clubs, players and officials shall comply with the Code of Conduct set out as Appendix One to these rules.
(7) The League shall comprise two divisions (Divisions 1 to 2). Save in special circumstances as determined by the Management Committee, the maximum number of teams in each of divisions 1 to 2 shall be 10. Should this number be exceeded by new teams applying for entry to the League, an additional division may be created provided there is sufficient demand and subject to the approval of the AGM. If the total number of teams in the League is not divisible by five, the lower division(s) shall have the greater number of teams.
(7A) The Twenty20 Cup Competition, the conduct of which, shall be overseen by the Management Committee, who shall approve the rules of the competition. The competition shall be open to all member clubs of the League. Other clubs may be invited to participate and any club doing so shall be accorded the status of Associate Member, but Associate Membership shall not confer any voting rights. Associate Members and their players (as defined in paragraph 2 of Appendix Two) shall be subject to the Disciplinary Rules and Procedure in Appendix Two.
(8) Any new club applying for membership of the League and any existing member club applying to enter an additional team shall do so in writing to the League Secretary by the due date announced each year as determined by the Management Committee. Each club applying for entry shall be required to comply with a minimum standard of facilities, the standard to be set and monitored by the Management Committee. Should the Management Committee deem the standards of the applicant to be suitable, the club’s name shall go forward to the AGM where a two-thirds majority in a vote of member clubs present shall be necessary to gain admittance to the League. A two-thirds majority is also required to approve the entry of any additional team.
(9) No club may field two teams in any one division. In the event of a team being relegated into a division where another of that club’s teams competes, the second team will be automatically relegated as well and shall be deemed to be the bottom team for the purposes of rule 16. If that team is already in the lowest division it will be excluded from the League but without prejudice to the right to re-apply for entry if the club’s other team is subsequently promoted. Likewise, a team otherwise entitled to promotion by virtue of its league position shall not be promoted if it would then be playing in a division where another of that club’s teams competes and the next highest placed team otherwise entitled to promotion shall be promoted instead.
(10) Fixtures will be arranged on the basis that all clubs whose teams play each other in more than one division must play these matches on the same day in each of the divisions in which their teams compete. In all instances: (i) clubs who field two teams in the League must field both teams on the same date a minimum of six times per season; (ii) clubs who field three or more teams in the League must field at least two of those teams on the same date a minimum of six times per season.
(11) If a club is unable to fulfil a scheduled fixture when more than one of their teams is due to play on the same day, the highest-ranking team(s) must fulfil the fixture first. If a club does not play the higher-level fixture they shall forfeit any points gained and their opponents shall be awarded maximum points.
(12) Save in special circumstances as determined by the Management Committee, a club withdrawing from the League must do so in ascending order of their teams. No club which withdraws a team or teams from the League may apply for immediate readmission to the lowest division of the League without the express approval of the Management Committee. If the withdrawal or expulsion of a team or teams creates an imbalance between divisions this shall be corrected by additional promotions rather than relegations. A club proposing to withdraw a team from the League must notify the League Secretary in writing at least 14 days prior to the date of the AGM. Any club withdrawing a team without having given such notice will be fined £100.00, unless the Management Committee otherwise determine.
(12A) (1) If a team withdraws from the League part-way through the season, (i) its results will be expunged from the league table, but (ii) performances in those expunged matches will, nevertheless, count towards the end-of-season individual averages and statistics.
(2) Unless the Management Committee otherwise determine, a team withdrawing from the League part-way through the season shall be deemed to be one of the relegated teams from that division for the purposes of rule 16(ii).
(13) The League competition shall be decided by a total points system. In the event of two clubs finishing with the same number of points, the club with the greater number of wins shall be the higher placed. If both clubs have the same number of wins, their respective positions shall be determined by the result of matches between those clubs, alternatively (if not decisive) by the number of points gained by each club in those matches. If this is still not decisive, Net Run Rate will determine the highest placed side.
(14) Twenty points shall be awarded to the winning side. Losing sides shall receive bonus points as follows:
batting—one point for 100 completed runs, two for 125, three for 150, four for 175 and five for 200; bowling—one point for the second, fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth wicket to fall. In the event of a side with fewer than 11 players being all out, maximum bowling points shall be awarded. In the event of a tie, each side shall receive six points plus bonus points. In the event of an abandoned match, each side shall receive six points plus bonus points that have been accumulated up to the point of abandonment. If a match is cancelled without a ball being bowled, both teams receive six points each.
(14A) Bonus points in a reduced overs game
One point for 50 completed runs, two for 75, three for 100, four for 125 and five for 150 in reduced overs games where, under rules 23 to 25, the innings on each side is reduced to between 20 and 25 overs. (There is no change to the bowling bonus points.)
(15) In the event of a team failing to fulfil a League fixture for any reason other than bad weather the following penalties shall apply (unless the Management Committee otherwise determine):
[a] First offence – fixture to be recorded as played with no points gained;[b] Second and subsequent offences – as [a] above plus a further penalty of 10 points deducted plus a fine of £25[c] Following a third offence in any season the offending club shall be required to appear before the Management Committee. The Management Committee reserve the right to require any club which cannot give a satisfactory reason for failing to fulfil fixtures to reapply for League membership at the next AGM.
Opponents honouring the fixture in [a] and [b] shall be awarded 20 points.
(15A) A club which fails to fulfil a fixture (other than for reasons of bad weather) shall pay the reasonable wasted expenses of the opponent club. An away club conceding a game for lack of players less than 36 hours before the scheduled start time of the match shall pay the home club £30.00 or its reasonable wasted expenses, whichever is the higher. Any dispute as to the amount of such reasonable expenses shall be referred to the Management Committee whose decision shall be final and binding on both clubs.
(15B) If a team is unable to fulfil a fixture due to lack of players, the club must so inform their opponents and the Results Secretary by 10.00pm on the day before the game is due to be played at the latest. Unless the Management Committee otherwise determine, a club conceding a game for lack of players and failing to notify both their opponents and the Results Secretary by this deadline will be fined £25 and, if a league game, the team deducted 10 points, such penalties being in addition to any penalty applicable under rule 15. If panel umpires have been appointed to stand in the match, the defaulting club shall also pay the prescribed expenses of both umpires.
(15C) In the spirit of ‘getting the game on’, matches that are conceded for lack of players can be re-arranged at the agreement of the non conceding club, and must not be re-arranged on a date that will be to the detriment of the non conceding club. Dates outside the stated season up to the last Sunday in September can be used for re-arranging conceded fixtures. The concession should be reported to the Results Secretary, as well as an alternative date if clubs are in mutual agreement to play the game. There is no prejudice against the non conceding club in the first concession, and if no date can be found to re-arrange, the original concession will stand.
(15D) A re-arranged game will only resort to the original result if the non-conceding side in the first instance are unable to fulfil the fixture through lack of players. Re-arranged matches that are abandoned or cancelled due to weather will have that result stand.
(16) At the end of each season the top team in Division 2 will be offered promotion to Division 1. If they do not wish to go up, promotion will then be offered to the team finishing second. In either event, the team finishing bottom in Division 1 will be relegated. If neither team wish to be promoted, then the Executive Committee shall determine if any promotion or relegation shall take place.
(17) Divisional winners and the clubs winning the T20 Cup Competition shall be awarded a trophy. The trophy will be the responsibility of the club concerned and must be returned to the League Secretary by the date of the following AGM.
(18) The League competition shall not start before the final Saturday in April and shall finish for the season on the third Sunday of September. Rained-off matches shall not be rearranged. No fixture may be rearranged for any other reason without the prior approval of the League Secretary who shall first inform and obtain the agreement of the League Chairman and the representatives of the division concerned.
(19) Each season clubs will play two matches against every other team in their division. Clubs may play against only one other club in the same division on the same day. League fixtures in all divisions will be generated by the League in accordance with the procedure and a timetable set by the Executive Committee. Any club failing to comply with the timetable set by the Executive Committee for providing information required to assist in the generation or confirmation of the fixtures will be fined £25.00 unless the Management Committee otherwise determine.
(20) (a) A match shall consist of 80 six-ball overs of which the side batting first must not exceed 40. (b) There shall be no transfer of unused overs to the side batting second (including in any match reduced in length pursuant to rules 23, 24 or 25). (c) No bowler may bowl more than nine overs. (d) Declarations are not permitted.
(21) Subject to Rule 24, in the event of an abandoned game, bonus points shall be awarded as at the point of abandonment as per the bonus points allocation. (Rule 14 & 14A)
(22) In the event of bad weather the match may be reduced in length by agreement between the participating captains before the start of play and subject to a minimum of 40 overs, of which the side batting first must not exceed 20.
(23) Where, during a match, play is suspended because of bad weather or bad light and, in the opinion of the captains, the duration of the stoppage or stoppages is such as to make it unlikely that the game (whether or not already reduced in length under Rule 23) can be completed, then, if both captains agree, the original game may be abandoned and a new reduced overs game played, subject to a minimum of 40 overs, of which the side batting first must not exceed 20.
(24) [a] In Divisions 1 and 2, subject to the provisions of Law 3.9, the umpires shall be the final judges of the fitness of the ground, weather or light for play.[b] In the remaining divisions, if the start of play is delayed on account of unsuitable ground or weather conditions or unsuitable light, and the captains cannot otherwise agree, the number of overs in the match will be reduced by two overs for each six-minute period or part thereof lost. If play has not commenced within two hours of the scheduled start, the match shall be declared void save that, unless otherwise agreed between the captains, a team failing to remain at the ground until the expiry of such two-hour period shall be deemed to have conceded the match with no points gained, their opponents being awarded 20 points.
(25) In a reduced overs game the maximum number of overs per bowler shall be as follows:
(26) Matches shall start not later than 1 pm except in September when the starting time shall be no later than 12.30 pm.
(27) Tea shall be taken between innings unless by agreement otherwise between captains. The tea interval shall be 20 minutes.
(28) [a] In Division 1 and 2, a teamsheet, signed by or on behalf of the captain, giving the full names of all the players in the team and stating the age of any player under 19 years, shall be given to one of the umpires before the toss. Thereafter no player may be changed without the consent of the opposing captain and any change must be notified to the umpires who shall record the change on the appropriate teamsheet.[b] In matches in division three, teamsheets, signed by or on behalf of the captain, giving the full names of all the players in the team and stating the age of any player under 19 years, shall be exchanged by the captains before the toss. Thereafter no player may be changed without the consent of the opposing captain and any change must be recorded on the appropriate teamsheet.[c] The umpires or, in divisions three, the clubs, shall retain the teamsheets for a period of not less than 3 years and, if required to do so in writing by the League Secretary, shall produce them (or any particular teamsheet) for inspection by the Management Committee.
(29) Clubs shall be responsible for completing the official match scoresheet online and in accordance with a format and timetable prescribed by the Management Committee, with all required details fully and accurately completed. Results shall also be notified to the Results Secretary by 10.00 pm on the evening of the fixture in the manner prescribed by the Management Committee.
(29A) Penalties for non-compliance with rule 29. (i) A club failing to notify the result of a match to the Results Secretary as required by rule 29, or doing so after 10.00 pm, will be fined £5.00; (ii) A club failing to complete the online scoresheet in accordance with the requirements and by the time prescribed by the Management Committee will be fined £10.00. A further fine of £5.00 per week will be imposed for each week thereafter that any default continues.
(30) Each player must be a paid-up member of their club. No player may play for another club if he or she owes any money to a previous club [whether or not a member of the League] for which he or she has played or of which he or she has been a member. A player may play for only one club during any season, unless his transfer to another club has been approved by the League Secretary. Any club infringing this rule will be penalised by the deduction of the points gained in any game in which the offending player played and the Management Committee may ban the player concerned from playing in the League for the remainder of the season. Applications for transfer of players must be made in writing to the League Secretary on a form prescribed by the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall determine the information to be provided in the application. Before making a decision on the application (which shall be confirmed in writing to both clubs) the League Secretary shall consult the Chairman and the league representative of the transferor club. If the transfer is refused, the player shall have a right of appeal to the Management Committee, whose decision shall be final. Notice of appeal shall be given in writing to the League Secretary within 14 days of the date of the confirmation of the original decision. Any transfer application must be received by the League Secretary no later than 31 July in any season. A transferred player who has played for another club in the Cup or Plate competition shall not be eligible to play for the transferee club in the Cup or Plate competition in the same season.
(30A) (i) No player under the age of 12 years (such age being determined at midnight on 31st August in the year preceding the current season) shall play in any League, Cup or Plate Competition match. (ii) No player in the under 13 age-group (such age being determined as aforesaid) shall play in any League, Cup or Plate Competition match unless a letter of parental consent to his or her so playing has been sent to the League Secretary and written approval given by the League. (iii) Any club infringing this rule in a league game will be penalised by the deduction of any points gained in that match.
(30B) No player will be able to make their debut after 31st July. Apply to the Commitee for special dispensation in advance.
(31) No player shall receive any payment or inducement (including any benefit in kind) from any source for playing in the League. Any club infringing this rule may be expelled from the League.
(31A) No Player who has scored 300 runs or taken 20 wickets in any of the top 3 tiers of ECB Leagues (EAPL, Essex Premier League, TC Division 1 and TC Division 2) in the previous season is eligible to play in the NECL Division Two and below. They are permitted to play in NECL Division One, and the T20 competition. Any club infringing this rule in a league game will be penalised by the deduction of any points gained in that match.
(31B) Any Overseas Player that appears in a search on ESPN CricInfo is not permitted to play in Division 2. Any club infringing this rule in a league game will be penalised by the deduction of any points gained in that match.
(32) Umpires and scorers for each league game shall be provided by each club except in Divisions 1 and 2 where neutral umpires will be appointed by the Umpire Appointments Officer from the Umpires Panel. Clubs must accept and have no right to change the umpires appointed. Umpires in Divisions 1 and 2 shall be paid expenses of £40 each, the cost to be shared by the clubs concerned. The Umpire Appointments Officer shall be appointed by the Management Committee. All umpires on the Umpires Panel shall have current Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance.
(32A) If neutral umpires are appointed, the captain of each team in matches in Divisions 1 and 2 shall complete and submit an assessment report on the umpires standing in the match. The completed report must be submitted in a form and manner and by the time prescribed by the Management Committee. A club failing to submit a report as so prescribed will be deducted 5 points. A further fine of 5 points per week will be imposed for each week thereafter that any default continues.
(33) Home clubs must provide a prominent boundary line, marked by a white line, a rope laid on the ground or a fence.
(34) Matches may only be played on artificial wickets with the prior agreement of both captains.
(34A) Every club playing in Divisions 1 and 2 shall provide sightscreens behind the wicket at both ends of their home ground(s). Any application to dispense with or modify this requirement (whether by reason of the topography of the ground or otherwise) shall be made in writing to the Management Committee, whose decision shall be final. A club newly promoted to Division 2 shall have one season’s grace within which to comply with this rule. Subject as aforesaid, a club not complying with this rule and which has not been granted dispensation or modification by the Management Committee shall be deducted 5 points for every home game played without a sightscreen or sightscreens.
(35) In Division 1 and 2 each team shall provide a new ball, and a new ball shall be used at the start of each innings. Only the Super County ball may be used unless the Management Committee otherwise determine.
(36) The League shall be administered by a Management Committee. The Management Committee shall consist of the Officers (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Press Officer, Handbook Editor, Results Secretary, Umpires Appointments Officer and League Welfare Officer) plus two representatives from each division. The Officers (save for the Umpires Appointments Officer and the League Welfare Officer) and the divisional representatives shall be elected annually by the AGM. The AGM shall also elect the Auditor. The League President, Umpires Appointments Officer and the League Welfare Officer shall be appointed by the Management Committee. The County Cricket Development Officer shall be also a member of the Management Committee, ex-officio.
(36A) Executive Committee: The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and the Results Secretary shall comprise the Executive Committee.
(37) The AGM shall be held not later than 31 October in each year. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by the Management Committee or at the request to the League Secretary in writing of six or more member clubs specifying the business proposed to be transacted.
(38) The financial year of the League shall run from 1 October to the following 30 September. Audited accounts shall be presented for approval to the AGM.
(39) All member clubs must be represented by a member of their club at the AGM and any EGM that may be called. No individual may represent more than one club. Any club not represented at the AGM or any EGM have to appear before the Management Committee to explain their absence and if a satisfactory explanation is not given they will be fined £25.00.
(40) The Disciplinary Rules and Procedure set out in Appendix Two to these rules shall apply.
(40A) Any player expelled or suspended from playing in another league affiliated to or subject to the jurisdiction of the ECB shall be prohibited from playing for any team in the League for an equivalent period. Provided that details of such disciplinary action by another league have been posted on the League website, any club infringing this rule will be penalised by the deduction of the points gained in any game in which the offending player played, and (in the case of a player having been suspended) the Management Committee may ban the player concerned from playing in the League for the remainder of the season.
(41) At the first meeting of the Management Committee following the Annual General Meeting a Disciplinary Subcommittee of six members shall be formed from members of the Management Committee. Three members of the Disciplinary Subcommittee shall constitute a quorum. The Disciplinary Subcommittee will meet as necessary to consider any reported misconduct referred to it for a disciplinary hearing. The Management Committee shall have power to fill any casual vacancy on the Disciplinary Subcommittee that may occur during the year.
(42) Appeals Panel: At the first meeting of the Management Committee (MC) following the AGM, the MC shall appoint three persons (who need not be members of the MC but shall not in any event include any member of the Disciplinary Subcommittee) to be the Appeals Panel to determine any appeal against a decision of the Disciplinary Subcommittee. The MC shall have power to fill any casual vacancy on the Appeals Panel. In the event of a member of the Appeals Panel being unable or unavailable to hear a particular appeal, the League Chairman shall appoint a substitute provided that such substitute is not a member of the Disciplinary Subcommittee.
(43) Any alteration to these rules shall be made only at the AGM or an EGM. Notice of proposed alterations to be considered by the AGM shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary by 30 September in each year. Notice of the proposals, together with any proposals by the Management Committee, shall be circulated to the clubs with the notice of the AGM at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. Amendments may be proposed and voted upon at the meeting and the final proposal shall be declared carried if there is a simple majority of those voting. Should a vote be tied (i.e. 50% for and 50% against) the Chairman will have a casting vote. Proposed alterations to the rules to be considered at an EGM shall be circulated to clubs with notice of the EGM at least 21 days before the date of the meeting. Amendments may be proposed and voted upon at the meeting and the final proposal shall be declared carried if there is a simple majority of those voting. Should a vote be tied (i.e. 50% for and 50% against) the Chairman will have a casting vote.
(44) If any matter arises that is not dealt with in these rules, the Management Committee shall have the power to make decisions (including the imposition of a fine not exceeding £100 and/or the deduction of league points) which will be binding on all parties.
(44A) The Executive Committee shall have the functions set out in these rules and shall have power to determine any matter requiring urgent consideration or decision.
Appendix One: Code of Conduct
(1) The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of Cricket (as set out in the preamble to the Laws of Cricket) as well as within the Laws.
(2) Players and team officials must at all times accept the umpire’s decision. Players must not show dissent at the umpire’s decision or react in a provocative or disapproving manner towards another player or a spectator.
(3) Players and team officials shall not intimidate, assault or attempt to intimidate or assault an umpire, another player or a spectator.
(4) Players and team officials shall not use crude and/or abusive language (known as ‘sledging’) nor make offensive gestures or hand signals nor deliberately distract an opponent.
(5) Players and team officials shall not make racially abusive comments nor indulge in racially abusive actions against fellow players, officials, members and supporters. Clubs must operate an active open door membership policy whilst respecting player qualification regulations and welcome players/members irrespective of ethnic origin.
(6) Players and team officials shall not use or in any way be concerned in the use or distribution of illegal drugs.
(7) Clubs must take adequate steps to ensure the good behaviour of their members and supporters towards players and umpires.
(8) Players and team officials shall not make any media comment which is prejudicial or detrimental to the interests or reputation of others clubs or a member of any other club or any umpire or the game of cricket in general. Media shall include (but not necessarily be limited to) press, radio, television, external websites, club websites, social networking sites and club match programmes. Nothing in this provision shall prevent any comment which constitutes honest opinion in regard to cricketing matters and which is made in a fair and respectful manner.
Appendix Two: Disciplinary Rules and Procedure
(1) It shall be a disciplinary offence: (a) for a player in the course of or in connection with a match to misconduct himself or to act at any time in a manner calculated to prejudice the good name or interests of the League and (b) for any club to fail properly to control or discipline its players or to act in any manner calculated to prejudice the good name or interests of the League, and the player and the club committing an offence shall be liable to the penalties hereafter set out.
(2) For the purpose of these Rules the expression “player” shall throughout these Rules be deemed to mean and include not only any player but also any member or official of any club or, if appropriate, any other person involved in any incident of alleged misconduct occurring on the field of play or on the premises of the club, as may be appropriate in the particular circumstances.
(3) Any alleged breach of paragraph 1 above which a club or umpire wishes to bring to the attention of the Disciplinary Subcommittee shall be notified in writing (to be known as ‘a Complaint’) to the League Secretary within 14 days of the incident or event occurring.
(4) Any Complaint so initiated shall be referred to the League Chairman
(5) Upon receipt of such Complaint, and as soon as reasonably practicable, the League Chairman shall consider the Complaint and resolve either (i) to take no action except to record the Complaint and notify the club; or (ii) to endorse any disciplinary action taken by the club; or (iii) to refer the matter for a disciplinary hearing which shall be convened by the League Secretary as soon as practicable.
(6) In any case which is referred for a disciplinary hearing before the Disciplinary Subcommittee, at least 7 days notice in writing of the hearing and of the offence(s) alleged shall be given to the league representative (as notified to the League Secretary) of the relevant club(s). The player or the club shall be entitled to attend the hearing, to be legally or otherwise represented and to call witnesses. So far as is consistent with these rules, the conduct of the hearing (and of any appeal) shall follow the Guidelines issued by the ECB including the Guidelines on sentencing in the recreational game.
(7) If, at the hearing, the offence is admitted or found proved, the Disciplinary Subcommittee shall have power to impose one or more of the following penalties:
(a) in the case of a player
(b) in the case of a club
A penalty suspending a player, or imposing a fine on a player or a club, may be suspended for a specified period not exceeding two years.
(8) Minutes shall be kept of the meetings of the Disciplinary Subcommittee and the decision of the Disciplinary Subcommittee on any complaint shall be confirmed in writing to the player and/or the league representative of the club concerned within 3 days of the Disciplinary Subcommittee’s determination.
(9) A player or club found by the Disciplinary Subcommittee to have committed an offence or upon whom the Disciplinary Subcommittee has imposed a penalty shall have the right of appeal against the finding and/or the penalty to the Appeals Panel. Notice of appeal setting out the grounds must be given in writing to the League Secretary within 7 days of the decision of the Disciplinary Subcommittee, together with a deposit of £50.00. No penalty shall take effect until the time for giving notice of appeal has expired or, if notice of appeal is duly given, until after the hearing of the appeal. If an appeal is abandoned any penalty shall have immediate effect.
(10) At least 7 days’ notice in writing shall be given to the player or, in the case of a club, its league representative, of the appeal hearing. The appeal shall be by way of a rehearing. The player or club shall have the same rights of attendance and representation, and to call witnesses, as they had before the Disciplinary Subcommittee.
(11) The Appeals Panel may confirm, vary or reverse the decision of the Disciplinary Subcommittee, and may increase or reduce (or rescind) any penalty. The Appeals Panel shall also have the power, where they consider the appeal to be without merit, to order that the deposit be forfeited. The decision of the Appeals Panel, stating briefly its reasons, shall be confirmed in writing to the league representative of the club concerned within 7 days of the Appeals Panel’s determination and a copy of the decision letter shall at the same time be sent to the League Secretary.
(12) The decision of the Appeals Panel or, if there is no appeal, of the Disciplinary Subcommittee, shall be final and binding.
Appendix Three: T20 Competition Rules
(1) Each team in the T20 competition will play the others once on a date and at a time to be mutually agreed and notified to the League Executive Committee by a date specified by the League. The League will determine which is to be the home side and which the away side.
(2) Clubs may rearrange a fixture (by mutual consent) where the match was unable to be played on the date originally agreed due to inclement weather or ground conditions, save that any such rearranged fixture must be played no later than the first Sunday in August.
(3) If a fixture is rearranged as aforesaid, both clubs must notify the Results Secretary by e-mail of the new date within 48 hours of the rearrangement.
(4) The winning team will be awarded 2 points. In the event of a tie, each team will be awarded one point.
(5) If a game is not played for any reason other than the inability of a club to raise a team, and is not rearranged, each team will be awarded one point.
(6) If a club is unable to raise a side and concedes a match, their opponents will be treated as the winning side and awarded 2 points.
(6a) If a club is unable to raise a side and concedes a subsequent match, their opponents will be treated as the winning side and awarded 2 points, the conceding side will be deducted 1 point, and fined £25.
(7) At the conclusion of the league stage of the competition, the four qualifying teams will proceed to a Finals Day (two semi-finals and a final) on August Bank Holiday Monday at a venue to be notified.
(8) In the event of two teams having the same number of points, the team with the higher net run-rate over the league stage of the competition will be placed higher.
(9) The semi finals will see the Winners of each group, drawn against the Runner Up of the other group.
(10) In all matches each innings will comprise 20 overs.
(11) No bowler may bowl more than 4 overs in any match.
(11a) In the event of bad weather the match may be reduced in length by agreement between the participating captains before the start of play and subject to a minimum of 10 overs, of which the side batting first must not exceed 5.
(11b) Where, during a match, play is suspended because of bad weather or bad light and, in the opinion of the captains, the duration of the stoppage or stoppages is such as to make it unlikely that the game (whether or not already reduced in length under Rule 23) can be completed, then, if both captains agree, the original game may be abandoned and a new reduced overs game played, subject to a minimum of 10 overs, of which the side batting first must not exceed 5.
(11c) [a] Where a panel umpire is standing he/she shall be the final judge of the fitness of the ground, weather or light for play.[b] If no panel umpire is standing, if the start of play is delayed on account of unsuitable ground or weather conditions or unsuitable light, and the captains cannot otherwise agree, the number of overs in the match will be reduced by two overs for each six-minute period or part thereof lost. If play has not commenced within two hours of the scheduled start, the match shall be declared void save that, unless otherwise agreed between the captains, a team failing to remain at the ground until the expiry of such two-hour period shall be deemed to have conceded the match with no points gained, their opponents being awarded 20 points.
(11d) In a reduced overs game the maximum number of overs per bowler shall be as follows.
(12) Fielding restrictions: A 30 yards fielding circle shall be clearly marked by the home side. At all times at least four fielders (in addition to the bowler and wicket-keeper) must be within the circle when the bowler delivers the ball. In addition, for the first 6 overs of each innings only two fielders are permitted to be outside the field restriction marking at the instant of delivery. In the event of any infringement of this rule, the umpire at the bowler’s end shall call ‘no ball.’
(12a) Fielding restrictions in reduced overs games. In a reduced overs game, the fielding restrictions that should apply at the beginning of the innings should be as follows;
(13) The delivery after a no-ball (for whatever reason) shall be a free hit for whichever batsman is facing it.
(14) If the delivery for the free hit is not a legitimate delivery for any reason (any kind of no ball or a wide), the next delivery shall become a free hit for whichever batsman is facing it.
(15) For any free hit, the striker can be dismissed only under the circumstances that apply for a no ball, even if the delivery for the free hit is called a wide ball.
(16) Wides: Any offside or legside delivery which in the opinion of the umpire does not give the batsman a reasonable opportunity to score shall be called a wide. For guidance purposes, a legside wide shall be called if the ball passes on the legside outside the pads of the batsman standing in a normal guard position.
(17) Players in the T20: A player may play for a club in the T20 competition and for a different club in the 40 overs league competition. A player may only play for one T20 club in a season, there are no transfers permissible. Rule 30 of the League Rules is amended to that extent.
(18) Subject as aforesaid (or as modified by necessary implication) the Laws of Cricket and the League Rules shall apply to the T20 competition.
(19) Clubs shall be responsible for completing the official match scoresheet online and in accordance with a format and timetable prescribed by the Management Committee, with all required details fully and accurately completed. Results shall also be notified to the Results Secretary by 10.00 pm on the evening of the fixture in the manner prescribed by the Management Committee.
(19A) Penalties for non-compliance with rule 29. (i) A club failing to notify the result of a match to the Results Secretary as required by rule 29, or doing so after 10.00 pm, will be fined £5.00; (ii) A club failing to complete the online scoresheet in accordance with the requirements and by the time prescribed by the Management Committee will be fined £10.00. A further fine of £5.00 per week will be imposed for each week thereafter that any default continues
(20) The captain of each team in matches in T20 shall complete and submit an assessment report on the umpires standing in the match. The completed report must be submitted in a form and manner and by the time prescribed by the Management Committee.