Revised League Rules
Published by: North Essex Cricket League
Published on 4 April 2018
Last Updated: 15 September 2022
I am pleased to say that the revised League Rules as agreed by the Management Committee have now been published on the website, ahead of the 2018 season. Can be viewed here.
There are a number of changes from previous rules, particularly regarding the change to the points system, re-arranging conceded games, updated T20 rules for shortened games.
Please ensure captains in particular are acquainted with the rules, prior to the first games.
A brief reminder of the following rules;
Umpire Assessment Forms – should be completed by all teams in Div 1, Div 2 and T20 where neutral umpires stand – points deductions can occur if not done in a timely manner.
Sightscreens – should be at all Div 1 and Div 2 grounds – dispensation is given for the first season for a side being promoted from Div 3.
Balls – a new ball will be provided by both teams in Div 1 for each innings. In Div 2 and Div 3, a new ball will be provided by the home team and will be used for the duration of the match.
Rule 29 and 29A – Submitting match results on the day of the game, and then completing Play-Cricket scorecard within 48 hours – and penalties that apply.
Rule 15B – Rule concerning concession and reporting in a timely manner to Results Secretary – can result in points deduction and fine if not adhered to.